Attraction Triple Threat
We combine the power of 3 to empower your intention that much more!
~+~ Our Abundance Candle: is a sensory blend of Clove, Citronella, Lemon Balm, Cinnamon, Nutmeg. Use to attract prosperity, increase success and obtain material possessions. Utilize the power of this candle to bring good luck and help you to visualize a positive outlook. Measuring 1.5″ x 7 inches tall, they are long lasting with a burn time of 80-100 hours. Each candle comes with an affirmation and inspirational message to help you bring your wish to fruition!
~+~ Law of Attraction Crystal Pouch: This incredible pouch can be used to “Ask, Believe, Receive” with the metaphysical healing power of crystals! The law of attraction works when we first ask the Universe for what we want. Aquamarine and Amethyst, which open the connection to the Universe through divine guidance and intuition, allowing us to ask for and receive information. Aventurine, which heals the heart and clears the emotional body, is used to open ourselves up to endless possibilities. We are now ready to create pure intention allowing us to believe that we are deserving of our request. Pearl, which promotes purity of mind, body, and spirit; opening a divine connection of highest good for all enabling us to receive our gifts with gratitude. Moonstone reflects back your deep desires, so a positive outlook is crucial. Moonstone encourages creativity, imagination, inspiration and awareness. It is the stone of new beginnings. The pouch comes with an interchangeable coil pendant to wear the stone you need that day. It also includes helpful information on how to work with your stones, clean them, meditate with them and use them to your greater good.
~+~ Law of Attraction Perfume Oil: We blend the power of crystals with rose, passion flower and jasmine to create the ultimate draw of positive energy to you. This vibrant, yet subtle blend of essential oils brings the most power of attraction to you! It includes crystals of amethyst, a soothing stone that will connect you to your sense of inner peace. Tourmaline which has similar associations, promoting feelings of calmness and relaxation. When you struggle with low mood, we add agate and citrine to this collection as well, as they are said to help eliminate negative energy. In addition, Tibetan quartz is unparalleled when it comes to stones that surround the wearer with positivity.